Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lol Launcher Instantly Closes

Welcome to the forum archive! years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that rammus rolled into an "ok" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.. I've noticed that some other people have been having this issue with various fixes working for some and not working for others. upon launching my game (which i always run as admin), the logo that indicates that the patcher is loading shows up and immediately closes.. So over the past few hours since the patch (although i was able to play fine right after patching last night, after restarting my pc i can't log on at all), lol has been playing ping-pong, bouncing back between getting stuck on the logon crest, the launcher immediately closing and the client immediately closing..

Hello, reader if you're reading this you either a) have the same problem as me or b) can help me i'd appreciate it if you could post if option b applies to you, but the problem is whenever i hit "launch" the launcher just closes and nothing opens up and yes, i went to my task manager and it is still. If i still go ahead and install the directx end user runtime per 10/3 comment by user sloanroyal in another thread: here's something to try - i'm on windows 10 and even in the preview program, accelerated builds - all that stuff.. After trying to resume the download from the resource manager it said something along the lines of the launcher.dll file was missing. what i did from that point is close league, ended all the league processes, then re ran it as administrator. it was instantly resolved..

lol launcher instantly closes

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