Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Centos Install Mod_vhost_alias

If the .so file exists, you can simply load it in your httpd.conf. else, you can simply install it from the rpm.. The virtualdocumentroot directive allows you to determine where apache http server will find your documents based on the value of the server name. the result of expanding interpolated-directory is used as the root of the document tree in a similar manner to the documentroot directive's argument.. Now i need to install the apache module mod_vhost_alias so i can use virtualdocumentroot. i've added loadmodule vhost_alias_module modules/ but the .so file does not actually exist..

How to check if mod_alias is enabled? ask question. up vote 5 down vote favorite. i want to try mod_alias instead of mod_rewrite for a couple of simple redirect rules, but the directives don't seem to be working when entered in .htaccess. is it possible that mod_alias is not loaded or enabled on the server?. Mod_alias the redirect directive maps an old url into a new one by asking the client to refetch the resource at the new location. the old url-path is a case-sensitive (%-decoded) path beginning with a slash.. In this case, a different documentroot can be specified for each virtual host, or alternatively, the directives provided by the module mod_vhost_alias can be used to dynamically determine the appropriate place from which to serve content based on the requested ip address or hostname..

centos install mod_vhost_alias

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